Erin Gore – WCK CEO

Israel continues to bar humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza, through its air strikes.

Observers think that Israel is deliberately targeting aid workers delivering food and other essential items to the Gaza residents.

The latest attack comes just hours ago, when an Israeli air strike hit and killed seven humanitarian aid workers. These victims of Israel’s indiscriminate attacks worked under the World Central Kitchen, and were traveling back to their base after a day of selfless service.

The CEO of the World’s Central Kitchen, Erin Gore, has mourned the loss of the seven workers, whose lifeless bodies could be seen in their mangled vehicle.

Details of the 7 Humanitarian Aid Workers Killed by Israeli Defense Forces

One of the fallen members of the relief team, Jacob Flickinger, held dual citizenship of the US and Canada, and another, Lalzawmi Frankton, was Australian.

Others of the relief team victims were Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha of Palestine, and Damian Sobol of Poland. The remaining three were members of the World Central Kitchen’s security team – John Chapman, James Henderson, and James Kirby, all from the UK.

All the seven died instantly when their vehicle, clearly marked “World Central Kitchen” was utterly destroyed by the Israeli air strike.

Although the residents of Gaza desperately need humanitarian assistance, the World Central Kitchen has decided to halt its operations for now.

Recently, Israel, through similar air strikes, is said to have killed seven members of Iran’s defense forces – two senior commanders and five officers. Iran and Syria blame Israel for the fatalities, and Iran has vowed to take revenge. Still, Israel remains silent on the matter.

The fatal air strikes, reported to have been six, destroyed a building very close to the Iranian Damascus embassy.

Israel has been on a mission to try and destroy Iranian military installations in the region since the Netanyahu administration began the war on Gaza months ago.