Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Photo courtesy of BBC.

Vladimir Putin has threatened to use nukes in the war with Ukraine. Speaking today from Russia, the country’s president warned the US against sending ground troops to assist Ukrainian soldiers.

He said that if that happens, he will not hesitate to authorize the use of nukes. In the same vein, Putin bragged about Russia’s arsenal having an edge against that of the United States.

Putin Frustrated by the Prolonged War

Apparently, the situation in Ukraine is extremely tough for the Russian soldiers involved in the fighting, as the presumed underdog continues to show resilience.

Ukraine has been receiving logistical and other support from its allies, and this has boosted the morale of its soldiers.

It is evident that the war has taken longer than Russia anticipated, and the president is getting frustrated by the weakening of the Russian forces. According to analysts, this frustration could easily push Putin to releasing nuclear arsenal against his rivals.

However, Russia continues to portray the image of success in the war field, releasing videos of its soldiers damaging Ukrainian fighter helicopters.

Meanwhile, Putin took an interview with the government-controlled media, and took the opportunity to send the threatening message to the US. He said that Russia would respond to US’ physical presence in Ukraine by attacking Ukrainian soldiers and their supporters from the air and sea, in addition to the ground combat.

It appears strange that Putin should send out such a heated warning, considering the position of the Biden administration on war support to Ukraine.

The US president has never given any indication the US is interested in engaging its troops in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Instead, assistance from the US has been in form of equipment and vehicles, intended to help the country resist Russia’s invasion.