Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Picture courtesy of the Indian Express

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, sees no reason why India cannot lead the world in technology. He expressed this position as he unveiled three semi-conductor projects, which are part of an initiative the country began 2yrs ago.

He made a public statement on Wednesday, March 13th 2024, saying that one reason India lags behind is the failure to invest in the manufacture of semi-conductors. Semi-conductors are an integral part of electronic products, including television sets, mobile phones, and vehicles.

Prime Minister Modi stated that previous governments were hesitant to take the necessary bold step, and instead focused on corrupt undertakings.

According to Modi, India’s dream of making semi-conductors was rife as early as the ‘80s. If successive governments had taken initiative, he said, India would now be a technological hub.

The Prime Minister bashed past governments, saying they had hyped the fact that India was a poor country, yet they did not hesitate to loot public funds.

Highlighting the lessons learnt through the COVID-19 pandemic, Modi noted the need to strengthen the global supply chain, indicating that India was prepared to play its part.

India to Produce Semi-conductors Commercially

In emphasizing India’s technological capacity, the Prime Minister pointed out that the country had already invested in the space and nuclear sectors. He then disclosed that India is going to embark on production of semi-conductors at a commercial level.

In July 2023, Modi began a campaign to attract international businesses to invest in the production of semi-conductors, promising great financial concessions.