Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

The ongoing attack on Gaza by Israeli Defense Forces began on October 7th 2023. Since then, the attacks have claimed almost 33,000 Palestinian lives. Meanwhile, over 75,000 Palestinians have been left injured.

On the Israeli side, slightly over 1,100 people lost their lives on the day Hamas struck. Members of the Hamas movement who perpetrated the attack also took dozens of Israelis captive.

The World is Getting Impatient with Israel

The ongoing Israeli attacks continue to claim more lives and cause a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip. Consequently, the world is eager to see the two sides come to a compromise.

Since last year, the Qatar regime has been trying to mediate a truce between the Netanyahu government and the Palestinians. According to Qatar’s Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman, mediation talks are still going on in the country’s capital, Doha.

However, Hamas complains that Israel is being evasive and unwilling to consider the terms presented by Hamas. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is enraged by Israel’s refusal to allow safe transportation and distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza. In fact, some people view Israel’s military strikes as a deliberate attack on humanitarian workers.

A day ago, an Israeli aerial attack killed 4 relief distributors and 3 security staff working for the same organization. All the 7 individuals killed in Gaza were staff of the World Central Kitchen.

Besides the loss of lives and escalating number of casualties from Israel’s attacks, Gaza has also suffered immense financial losses. The UN estimates the cost of damaged infrastructure in Gaza to be $18.5 billion.

Whether Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, will salvage his reputation after the embarrassing attack on Israel by Hamas in October last year is yet to be seen. The attack left Netanyahu’s reputation tainted because he boasts of being hawk-eyed when it comes to matters of security.