Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi-Photo from Britannica

On Sunday, 14th 2024, Iran launched a myriad of missiles directed at Israel. Both Israel and Iran have given the missile count as around 300.

However, Israel says that only 1% of the missiles landed after escaping interception. Meanwhile, Iran says that several missiles landed in Israel and hit one of the country’s airbases.

From the US, President Joe Biden has given credit to the US forces in Israel, whom he says assisted Israel in intercepting most of the missiles.

Iran Taking Revenge for the April 1st Attack on its Syrian Consulate

On April 1st, the Israeli Defense Forces attacked the Iranian consulate in Syria. Israel claimed to have killed a number of generals and officers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

During that attack on the Iranian embassy, Israel is reported to have used 535 fighters and 20 rockets. It is, therefore, not surprising that Iran decided to launch so many missiles at once.

Nevertheless, Israel has vowed to hit back at Iran. At the same time, the Israeli government, through its ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, has called on the United Nations (UN) to convene an urgent meeting.

The Israeli government wants the UN to discuss Sunday’s attack by Iran, and to classify the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRG) as a terrorist group.

IDF Opens New Aid Route in Northern Gaza

Meanwhile, as Israel anticipated a form of attack from Iran last week, the Israeli Defense Forces opened an aid route in the northern part of Gaza.

For several months now, Israel has made it difficult for workers of charitable organizations to move freely and distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza. 

Two weeks ago, an attack by the IDF resulted in the deaths of 7 employees of the World’s Central Kitchen. The vehicle they were traveling in was hit as they returned from their relief work within Gaza.